Owls are nocturnal birds of prey found in most regions of Earth except Antarctica.


Habitat, distribution, feeding, reproduction, evolution and more information about owls


Facts about some of the best know species or families of owls like the snowy owl, the barn owl, great horned owl


There are some endangered species of owls and the conservation efforts made to preserve them.

Owl Facts And Information

Facts about Great Horned Owls, Barn Owls, Snowy Owls, Barred Owls and many others. Anatomy, Feeding, Habitat, Evolution, Predators and Reproduction.

Introduction to Owls

Owls are very interesting birds, and one that many other types of birds are afraid of. In fact, fake owls are often placed on top of buildings to keep pigeons and other types of birds from making nests there. The owl is said to be a symbol of wisdom and they make a unique sound at night that is distinctly identifiable.

In many cultures the owl is a sacred animal and one that humans don’t bother very much. Yet there are plenty of locations out there where their natural habitat continues to be taken away for humans to use that area for something else. As a result it has reduced the overall population of many species drastically.

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