Jese Martin had a dream. He wanted to be the youngest person to sail alone around the world.
When he sailed from melbroune, Austraila, in December 1998, many people thought they wo-
uld never see him again. His boat was just 10 meters lomg & pass Jesse was only seventeen
years old !. Josse spent the next eleven months at sea. Some days he was lonely, but
most of the time he was too busy to think about being alone. When he was not sailing or reparing
the boat, he would read books, play his guitar, catch fish or
cook. Jeese had many amazing
experiences. One, day the boat hit a whale in the water! Both jeese & whale were very surprised,
but luckily the whale was not hurt. One of the most frightening exreriences Jese had was during a
strom off the coast of south Africa. Huge waves pusged the boat onto its side and water poured into
the cabin. Terrified, Jesse hels onto its a rail as the boat was thrown around. Africa that he would
be swept into the ocean, he crawled into the wet and stayed there until the strom stopped. After 329
days at sea, Jesse saild back into Melbourne's port philip, Bay where a crowd of 25,000 people waited
to welcome him home. When asked why he did it, Jesse said,
"i think i wanted to prove to myselfthat anything was possibel"
By: Terre Duprer Facebender
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